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City Of Eden Valley offices house the council chambers, clerks office and the police department.

Eden Valley Public Works department employs two full-time and 1 seasonal part-time water and wastewater licensed personnel. Water service is provided by the jointly-owned Eden Valley-Watkins facility.

EV-W has Elementary schools in both Eden Valley and Watkins. Eden Valley consists of K-6. Watkins Elementary is an Early Childhood center along with kindergarten classes.

A vacant storefront was converted into a Community Center as part of an Initiative Foundation grant. The space is often rented for community events, meetings, and family gatherings.

The Eden Valley Fire and Rescue station is located in the industrial park. It serves the City of Eden Valley and the Townships of Eden Lake, Forest Prairie, Luxemburg, Manannah, and Union Grove.

The Park Board, comprised of local citizens overseeing park maintenance and improvements. Eden Valley has Veteran's Memorial Park, Friederichs Park, Water Tower Park, and Lion's Park.

EV-W High School, home of the Eagles, is located in Eden Valley. The school is home to approximately 500 students in grades 7 -12.

Eden Valley Area Library is an independent library, created by a group of "book loving" volunteers and made possible by a grant from the Initiative Foundation in Little Falls, MN
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